Tube Manufacturing

Automatic sawing machine

Automatic sawing machine

Automatic sawing machine are machines built to cut circular tubes with maximum diameters and thicknesses depending on the model, with precision and constancy in the cut measurement. The tube is blocked by an automatic pneumatic mandrel with three jaws, while the feed is made by a pneumatic pincer with two jaws with a maximum cutting running of 100mm. For the cutting, the machine equips a circular sawing machine made of HSS or tungsten carbide with a maximum diameter of 70mm and a thickness from 0.3 to 0.8 mm and on the mandrel of the sawing machine are mounted precision and high speed oblique bearings. The lubrication is closed circuit and provides for the separation of the big residuals. The machine is equipped with a terminal touchscreen from which you can set all the cutting parameters and adjust the movements of the machine, with the possibility to save, recall and modify them at any time.

Industria 4.0
The entire range is available in
Industry 4.0 ready versions!

Options Available

Industrial Touchscreen 10” (Industry 4.0 Ready)

Industrial touchscreen interface 10" + PLC that allows to control the machine with the possibility to interconnect to the company network to satisfy the requirements of Industry 4.0ndustriale 10” (Industry 4.0 Ready)

Suction on the cut

Possibility to install a suction system on the cut

Model Range


Tube Max D

Tube thikness





35 mm

0,5 – 3 mm

± 0,05mm


1,5 Kw


100 mm

0,5 – 3 mm

± 0,08mm


1,5 Kw


Each model of the hydraulic wire-drawing machines family is built according to "CE" standards, with first choice materials and components that give a reliability and durability over time without comparison.

The entire range is available in Industry 4.0 ready versions!!